Take the Risk

I woke up feeling nostalgic this morning, and a little sad, that these days are flying by so quickly.

I remember this moment quite well. It was the first stop of our big, scary, adventurous plan to teach our children about U.S. History by visiting each of the 50 state capitols.

On this day, we found ourselves at a rest area in Las Cruces, New Mexico. It was December 30, 2018. This was our first stop after leaving our home in Arizona. It was 28 degrees, and we were all excited to be starting our travels, albeit sleeping in a rest area parking lot because we hadn't planned our overnight stops very well.

This is when our kiddos thought it would be fun, and cool, to show off their "floss" to the traffic down below on the highway.

The memories we've created and collected over the past six years are precious and priceless. I'm thankful for all we've be blessed to experience, and I look forward to whatever the Lord has in store for us on the road ahead.

If you ever find yourself trying to decide whether or not to take the risk, I encourage you to lay your dreams before the Lord. Ask for His guidance and direction. If you feel He is telling you to move ... then do so!

I am so thankful we have chosen to keep moving through the doors He continually opens for us. This is His story. He gets the glory!

Ellen Marrs

Ellen is a successful entrepreneur, author, homeschooling mom of seven, and three-time Boston Marathon finisher. She is the author of “Lessons from the Finish Line”, her personal story of faith, passion, and perseverance in the pursuit to run 12 races in 12 consecutive months. She is also a compilation author in "Women Who Rock", a book highlighting the stories and successes of women from various backgrounds and stages of life.

The focus of Ellen's business and her personal goal in life is to make a positive impact on the world with those who choose to join her in “The Kindness Revolution”. She teaches individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations the importance of expressing gratitude through relationship marketing, as well as her signature class, “Gratitude: The Missing Link”. In a span of just three years, the students in her classes impacted over 10,000 people with compassion, gratitude, and kindness.

Ellen was most recently featured by FOX 10 TV, the Boston Athletic Association, Boston University News Service, Voyage Phoenix, and Networking Times magazine, a global publication for the network marketing profession.

Ellen fuels her passion to help others and make a difference in the world by sharing her story with abuse victims, foster children, and potential foster parents. As a motivational speaker, trainer, and mentor, she inspires others to overcome difficult circumstances, pursue their dreams and achieve their goals with unbridled passion. She has mentored countless individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations in relationship marketing and "acceleration through appreciation".

To relax, Ellen enjoys running, riding motorcycles, and spending as much time as possible outdoors with her family. She currently travels the United States with her husband, Rick, and their seven children.

To connect with Ellen, reach out via social media or the Life on Planet Marrs website.


Midnight Giggles in Alabama